DIY Necklace Holder
I want to start off by sharing the sad news us Canadians have heard... sad news for those of us that love interior decor and anything cute for a reasonable price. Target Canada is closing all of their Canadian stores! *sigh. Now where will I shop for cute shoes, kid's clothes, home decor and other cute affordable essentials? I guess most of us will be making more then one trip to the states in a year, haha. Target Canada, you will be missed.Today I'm sharing with you how I made this awesome DIY Necklace Holder! A little while ago, one of my girlfriend's came to me asking if I could make something to hang her necklaces from. Everything she searched for was somewhat boring and hardly unique. I had always wanted to make one of these for myself so I already had the perfect idea! You have probably noticed that I like using wood and I love to add a little rustic charm to most of my DIY projects, so this one no surprise! This DIY necklace holder is easy and you can customize any part of it to suit you... so be creative!
Below are the steps to make your own DIY Necklace Holder
STEP 1: Find a piece of drift wood, barnboard or any piece of wood - I used barnboard. Depending on how long your board is will depend on how many knobs you wish to add. This barnboard measures around 16 1/2 inches by 5 inches, so I added 4 knobs.
STEP 2: I wanted to give this necklace holder a raw look, so I used a chainsaw to get this jagged effect around the edges. Afterwards I sanded the piece of barnboard until it was smooth
STEP 3: On the back of wood, measure from top of barnboard and mark each the hole, then begin to drill the two holes for the triangle frame hooks.
STEP 4: Flip wood to front, measure and mark where you would like to place your knobs on the barnboard. I centred the knobs and spaced them approximately 3 inches apart. After you have drilled holes for the knobs, it's time to stain the barnboard *I used Special Walnut by Minwax. Once stain is dry, add your knobs.
STEP 5: Use a level and measuring tape to mark two holes where you plan to hang necklace holder. Hang and add your necklaces!
These knobs were purchased on Etsy from DaRosa, a Canadian shop!
What do you use to hang your necklaces? There are so many creative ways to hang them!
Thanks for reading,