Into The Woods
Growing up, my brother and I would walk to the back bush of our parents farm, fishing rod, bait (that we found under old logs) and buckets in hand. We would fish and build tree forts between the creek and the forest. We would go on adventures into the woods, looking for flowers, animals and anything else that caught our eye. After exploring the perimeter of the woods, we would take a good look around, and we knew it was time to go home... sometimes the silence of the woods can get a little eerie, almost as if it sends chills up your back. It's the most beautiful, peaceful and mysterious place. Being a girl in the country, I always dreamed about living in the city, or living 'in town' because that's where most of my friends lived when I was a teen. I always said "I never want to live in the country when I grow up, it's sooooo boring!". Now, looking back, there is not one memory of living in the country that I regret! It was the ultimate upbringing I could have ever imagined. Most days I would be outdoors, pretending and imagining, god who knows! But maybe that's were I'v got some of my creativity from... because back in those days, thats all I had (and a little annoying brother) - sorry nick!My oldest boy, Jack, he's a real country boy, I can't even begin to say that enough and you probably already know that if you follow me on here. He is ALWAYS talking about farming, planting crops, cutting down trees, going to work, catching animals, building and fixing things, and he LOVES adventure. Living here in the city, we always look forward to visiting my parents farm -- Jack refers to it as his home and his farm, he's a real character. I usually can't tell him until a few minutes before we are about to head up to the farm or else he is hounding me for the entire day/days if he gets the slightest hint! It's always "CAN WE GO NOOOW. HOW ABOUT NOW. IM READY. COMMON. I'M LEAVING. I'M ANGRY. LET'S GO NOW! MOM! UHHHHHH, I DON'T LIKE YOU". See, just like that I'm doomed! Sometimes I just itch for nature -- big old trees the smell, the silence and the space, pure relaxed simplicity. I want that so badly for my own boys, it's in them and I love it! One of my girlfriends, Kat, loves to come on mini adventures with us, camera in hand. Jack is pretty fond of her, maybe because she owns a cat and because she's always playing and splashing around with him like a big kid :) But Jack is always up for argo rides, splashing in the creek, with a stick in hand. And there's no stopping him when he sees a big mud pit! This is what little boys are made of, right!?
Thanks for stopping by!