Tracking Family Time with #ProjectSmartFurniture


Did you know that the average family spends 14% of their time together?

For my family, I feel as though we spend a fair bit of time together, again I also think it depends on the stage of life your children are in; the younger they are the easier is is to do things together as a family. But with this statistic, Leon's came out with something pretty cool...

Leon's recently came out with #ProjectSmartFurniture, furniture that tracks family time.

Leon's created Project Smart Furniture as an experiment to make people more aware of the time they spent together, so they could make the most of it. How much time do you think you and your family spend together?!

Here is a short video giving you the inside scoop on Project Smart Furniture!

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]

 So how does Smart Furniture work!?

1. The furniture acts as a family time hotspot, constantly searching the area for family members.2. wristbands track which family members and together and send a signal back to the furniture.3. Each indicators light is associated with one family member. They turn on and off to display who's around.#ProjectSmartFurniture with Leon'sThese days, families are spending less and less time together. So Leon's helped one family track what’s most important to them: family time. They created Project Smart Furniture as an experiment to make the The Ahluwalia Family more aware of the time they spent together, so they could start making more of it.#ProjectSmartFurniture with Leon's

View the full story with The Ahluwalia Family, below. 

The Results

After the #ProjectSmartFurniture experiment with The Ahluwalia Family, these were some of their results:#ProjectSmartFurniture with Leon'sSo, what do you guys think of #ProjectSmartFurniture!? Does it make you wonder how much time you really spend with your family? Even though the sofa is tracking family time, there are also so many other ways we can/do spend family time together.Over the next little while, I will be sharing a post with ideas on how we can spend more "family time" together! Thanks for stopping by,Kass


Escaping To Myrtle Beach: Part 3


Escaping To Myrtle Beach: Part 2