Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden


Hey guys, if you follow me on instagram you may have seen a few of these pictures lingering a few weeks back. Cactus' are one of those cool trends we are seeing everywhere in interior spaces. You must admit, they are a pretty cool plant that come in many different shapes, colour and size! Today I am going to show you how I created my own Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden!


• watercolor paint• food colouring• paint brushes• eggs• black felt pen

How to Paint Watercolor Cacti Eggs

Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Step 1: Prepare your eggs for decorating. These days its all about convenience, and I will admit I took the easy route and bought these plastic decorating eggs! They may not be as authentic as the real deal but I am already budging for time. *You can find these eggs at Walmart or the dollar store.  Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Step 2: Mix food colouring and water in a small dish, begin rolling egg for a base coat.Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Step 3: I wanted to create a tie-dye effect so I took the little capsule of food colouring and squeezed a few drips over top of the egg.eggs4editStep 4: Once your base coat is dry, its time to bring out those watercolor paints. You don't necessarily have to paint cactus', this is your opportunity to get creative with your eggs! Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Step 5: Once you have painted your image onto the egg, let dry. *These eggs dry quick. Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial With watercolor I like to apply a second layer of paint. This is a picture of the first coat (above) before I applied the second (below).Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Step 6: Apply your second coat of watercolor paint. I like to add more depth to the edges of my cactus'.

Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Step 7: Once your eggs are dry, apply with paint or a pen the cactus spine detailing.

Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial Watercolor Cacti Egg Garden  DIY tutorial There you have it, your own cacti egg garden!

I think egg decorating is one of Jack's favourite things to do... anything based around paint and making a mess fits into his list of hobbies (this was before the mess) !!


Thanks for reading and have a fun-filled Easter, friends!



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